Tuesday 19 September 2017

Review: Oppo Colombian Chocolate and Hazelnut

Oppo like to market themselves as providers of 'healthy ice cream.' As someone who tends who eat their ice cream BY THE TUB (because let's face it life's too short not to) I was intrigued by their newest flavour addition. Having already tried and approved of Salted Caramel and Mint Chocolate Chip, I have to admit I was sceptical about this one. How could a chocolate and hazelnut ice cream with only 43 calories a scoop possibly taste good? But I was willing to give it a go nonetheless.

Upon opening the tub, I saw to my pleasant surprise that there were already quite a few chopped hazelnut pieces visible. The chocolate smelled rich and promising, and I was itching to take my first bite.

Texture: though not of the standards of Haagen Dazs or Ben and Jerrys, the texture of Oppo is certainly the creamiest I've tasted among lower calorie/healthier brands. It melted quite easily and much quicker than other ice creams I've tried, meaning that the softness was on point, especially when scraped up from the sides. The hazelnuts add a depth and exciting change to the texture. They are abundant within this pint which I am very impressed by. My only complaint is that their size meant that they got stuck in my back teeth a lot- but that's hardly Oppo's fault!

Taste: now that chocolate... I wasn't sure what to expect. Would it focus more on the sweetness? Or the creaminess, perhaps, not unlike their salted caramel? But the first thing that grabbed me when I tasted the ice cream was the divine richness. It actually blew me away for a short while, as I could hardly believe that such a deep cocoa flavoured ice cream could possibly be 'healthy'. It's not as sweet as Nutella, but there is something of the nutty chocolate flavour to it that is remarkably similar.

Overall: Divinely rich, just sweet enough, and abundant in hazelnuts to satisfy the senses. What more could one ask for? Though hard to call, this may be my new favourite flavour of Oppo's. Certainly worth a pick up if you are on the lookout for healthier alternatives to your usual chocolaty treats.

Rating: 8.5/10

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