Thursday 12 October 2017

Review: Ben and Jerry's Blondie Brownie Core

I thought it was about time that I dedicate a post to this flavour. Perhaps if you have followed me on Instagram for a while (@peanutbutterboogietime) you may have an inkling as to what the content of this post will be. It would be fair to say that I harbour strong feelings about this one...

On their website, Ben & Jerry's describe this flavour as...

A soft salted caramel core surrounded by chocolate & vanilla ice creams with chocolate brownie chunks & blondie brownie chunks

Sounds mouthwatering right? Upon opening the tub, a generous dollop of the caramel core detaches itself and glops onto the inside of the lid. Upon this first glance the ratio of chocolate to vanilla ice cream appears to be pretty much even. 

Texture: Like every other Ben and Jerry's flavour, this tub scoops very easily and has a smooth, creamy texture, inviting enough to convince you to devour the whole tub in one go. There is so much going on in there, with large fudgey brownie pieces littered in abundance. There seemed in this tub to be more brownies than blondies and the blondies were generally a bit smaller, but saying that I have had tubs before with an impressive amount of both. I guess sometimes it's just pot luck! The salted caramel core is a good size, easy to spoon and just thick enough to cause a euphoric sticking sensation in your mouth not dissimilar to what you get with peanut butter when spooning it from the tub (don't judge!)

Taste: I really don't know where to start to be honest. The chocolate is so strong and rich and packs a sumptuous punch, but to counterbalance this of course there is that deluxe creamy vanilla on the other side, creating a balanced and "best of both worlds" flavour. The brownies are large, gooey, rich, and of such a good standard taste-wise, and the blondies have a smooth, pleasant almost butterscotch taste to them. However it is the caramel core that is the star of the show with this flavour. Thick and running all the way through the tub, every mouthful is a delightful burst of rich gooey sweetness. The salt is distinct but not overwhelming, creating the perfect overall taste and enhancing every spoonful.

Overall: You get a bit lost in caramel heaven after a while and forget about every other ice cream in the universe because surely, SURELY nothing can top this. Without hesitation, best Ben and Jerry's flavour I have tried.

Rating: 10/10

Monday 2 October 2017

Review: Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie

I was pondering on whether it was worth doing a review for this one. It's been around for so long and is such a solid household favourite that I hardly saw the point. Surely 99% of people know what this tastes like by now? But then I dug into it and knew that I had to write off the euphoric taste of a good old classic. So bear with me if you will!

On their website, Ben and jerry's describe this flavour as:

Chocolate flavour ice cream with chocolate fudge pieces

A simple yet very appealing combination for all chocolate lovers!

Texture: I said it before with the half baked ice cream, but no one does chunks like ben and jerrys. particularly their fudge brownie pieces. They are just so big and soft and chewy. God knows how they manage to make every brownie so rich and sumptuous. They are very abundant in here so I have no complaints whatsoever other than my personal opinion that I prefer the presence of some sort of swirl, whether it be a cookie or caramel swirl. Even added chocolate chips such as what can be found in their cookie dough flavour would jazz this tub up a lot.

Taste: 9 times out of 10 I will choose vanilla or caramel ice cream over chocolate. But this flavour achieved the perfect balance of richness and sweetness. Ok, maybe its a little bit more on the rich side... and can be a little bit overwhelming if you're not a total chocoholic. Fortunately for me, I am a total chocoholic so can devour mountains of the stuff without feeling even the slightest bit sick. The brownies are sweet burst of an even more concentrated richness, and have a luxurious taste to them.

Overall: This tub doesn't need fancy flavours or textures to be delicious. Though I personally prefer the presence of some sort of caramel and variation from the chocolate flavour, the simple combination of brownies and chocolate ice cream make for a delicious and euphoric flavour. Perfect for all chocolate lovers!

Rating: 8/10

Review: Ben and Jerry's Blondie Brownie Core

I thought it was about time that I dedicate a post to this flavour. Perhaps if you have followed me on Instagram for a while (@peanutbutterb...